About Us

Make sure you know about us

System Administration

Systems Administration refers to installing, maintaining and securing hardware and operating systems as well as networks, both local and wide.

System Integration

Systems Integration refers to installing and maintaining hardware and operating systems in multiple and varied environments such as getting MS Windows, linux, unix, Mac OS all working together with various printers, shop floor control, accounting software, CAD/CAE etc.

IT Security

Computer Security includes IDS, Anti Malware and proper backup procedure. Additionally, CISSP and similar training which ADK Consultants are now pursuing. In the end, ADK recommends a multiple layered security as well as excellent backup procedures as your best protection.

Our Services

A little about what we do

Web design

We can design web pages using css3, html5, js using free templates. We can install drupal, joomla or wordpress on your hosting platform and help you understand how to add your own content. We can help you with any exististing web page to modernize it. We also have experience setting up and hosting Adobe Muse sites.

Network Backup

We have developed a robust backup solution using inexpensive linux servers with large storage arrays and GNUPL "urbackup" which can backup your entire network of Windows PC, MacIntosh, Windows Server and Linux/Unix machines. Fill in our contact form for a quote.

System Administration, System Integration, DB Admin

We are experts with administering diverse IT network environments including multiple Data Bases, integration, ERP, CAD/CAE, Security.


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From the Blog

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Smaller on the Inside/Bigger on the Outside

21 July 2018

I was watching a Dr. Who Christmas Special today and had this thought: Dr. Who, and all visitors, are smaller on the inside, bigger on the outside.
Given that all observations are relative to the frame of the observer ("special relativity"), when a being enters the TARDIS, he is bigger than when he was on the outside. When a being steps out of the TARDIS, he is smaller than when he was on the inside. Just saying.

Thorium Based Nuclear Reactor

16 Feb 2018

Thorium based nuclear fuel cycle and thorium based nuclear reactor have been known about since the 1960s. In the words of Moir and Teller, 2005 " ...this was an excusable mistake." Perhaps so. But more importantnly, this technology is capable of disposing of existing, dangerous nuclear warheads and moving the world towards Global Zero. So why don't we get a show on the road?

Data Protection / Data Security

15 Feb 2018

The recent GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation in Europe requires a company of more than 9 IT employees to have a DPO, Data Protection Officer. This type of regulation in the US/Canada/Mexico seems unlikely anytime soon. Still, small office and home office companies should be thinking along the same line. The fact is, there are hackers trying to get your data.